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江西省自然科学基金, 稀土铝合金流变成形的基础理论研究(20181BAB206026), 2018-2020,项目负责人

江西省教育厅落地计划项目(产学研),稀土铝合金压铸成型的关键技术(KJLD14003), 项目负责人

企业委托项目, 高性能稀土铝合金研制, 项目负责人


1. Min Zeng, Ying Ling , Pengxiang Zhang, Xiaojian Dong, Ke Li, Hong Yan*. Improvement of interfacial interaction and mechanical properties in aluminum matrix composites reinforced with Cu-coated carbon nanotubes[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023,870:144918

2. Zhibin Liu, Jia-bao Bao, Wen-jie Hu, Hong Yan*.Microstructure, interfacial reaction behavior, and mechanical properties of Ti3AlC2 reinforced Al6061 composites[J].Transactions of Metals Society of China, 2023

3. Zhaowei Huang, Hong Yan*, Junjie Xiong. Analysis of microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelet reinforced 2024Al alloy[J].Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 832 142466

4. Xiuliang Zou,Yongli Yang, Junjie Xiong, Hong Yan*. Aging behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced ADC12 composites fabricated by ultrasonic assisted casting [J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 194(6):112372

5. Min Zeng, Hong Yan*, Ke Li, Yushun Lei. Microstructure, wettability, and mechanical properties of ADC12 alloy reinforced with TiO2-coated carbon nanotubes[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897:163181

6.Yuan-Sheng Rao, Hong Yan*, Jun Wan. Rheological model of semisolid Mg2Si/AM60 composites prepared by ultrasonic vibration treatment[J].Rare Metal, 2022, 41(8):2783-2788

7.Min Zeng, Hong Yan*, Baobiao Yu , Zhi Hu. Microstructure, microhardness and corrosion resistance of laser cladding Ni–WC coating on AlSi5Cu1Mg alloy[J].Transactions of Metals Society of China, 2021, 31(9):2716-2728

8. Zhenghua Li, Hong Yan*, Zhi Hu, Xianchen Song. Fluidity of ADC12 + xLa aluminum alloys [J].Rare Metal, 2021,40(5):1191-1197

9. Junjie Xiong, Hong Yan*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of ADC12 aluminum matrix composites reinforced with graphene nanoplates prepared by high-intensity ultrasonic method[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020,30(12):3210-3225

10.Yongcheng Zou, Hong Yan*, Bao-Biao Yu, Zhi Hu. Effect of rare earth Yb on microstructure and corrosion resistance of ADC12 aluminum alloy[J].Intermetallics, 2019, 110:106-114

11.Xiuliang Zou, Hong Yan*, Xiaohui Chen. Evolution of second phases and mechanical properties of 7075 Al alloy processed by solution heat treatment [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2017, 27: 2146-2155(获中国有色金属学报(英文版)2020年度优秀论文一等奖)

12.Jianbin Zhu, Hong Yan*. Fabrication of an A356/fly-ash-mullite interpenetrating composite and its wear properties[J]. Ceramics Interanational, 2017, 43:12996-13003

13.Xiaohui Chen, Hong Yan*. Solid-liquid interface dynamics during solidification of Al 7075-Al2O3np based metal matrix composites[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 94:148-158

14.Hong Yan*, Yuansheng Rao, Ru He. Morphological evolution of semi-solid Mg2Si/AM60 magnesium matrix composite produced by ultrasonic vibration process[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214(3):612-619

15.Hongxu Qiu; Hong Yan*; Zhi Hu. Effect of samarium (Sm) addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-7Si-0.7Mg alloys[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 567:7-81






E-mail: yanhong_wh@163.com

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